A non-profit organization dedicated to nudging our society towards ethical considerations and inclusivity. Through our educational efforts, we are raising awareness of ethical issues in various aspects of our lives.
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MyNudge, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading positivity through various internet and social media platforms. We will accomplish this goal by highlighting people that are doing positive things in their communities and beyond. Some of the positive activities that we will be highlighting will include, but are not limited to, individuals who are supporting charitable causes, mentoring the young and/or less experienced, and nurturing the underserved. Through our organization’s programs and services, we hope to have a positive impact in the lives of those we have the opportunity to work with and the community as a whole.
There can sometimes be weariness surrounding coordinated efforts to induce inclusion. Detractors of certain such efforts may cite coercion or a loss of autonomy as a concern. In their book Nudge, Thaler and Sunstein presented the idea of the “nudge.” Nudges change the context in which a decision is made to increase the likelihood that a certain choice is made by the decision maker. However, nudges are designed to be easy to avoid. Thaler and Sunstein laid out criteria such that nudges can remain ethical. In this paper, I show that certain nudges that greatly increased inclusion in their respective communities do follow these criteria. In fact, subjected even to the relatively tighter constraints imposed by a prominent critic of Thaler and Sunstein’s philosophy, Wilkinson, these nudges remain unscathed. Thus, inclusion-promoting nudges are not necessarily unethical from the standpoint of manipulation or autonomy.
© Think You?! The Proceedings of the Bay Honors Research Symposium, 2023.
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Join our movement to make the world ethically aware and inclusive. Negativity and criticism divide, but positivity and constructive actions unite.
Dedicated to spreading positivity, highlighting those making a difference in communities and beyond.
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