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Ethical problems faced by K-12 students

UnderstanEthical Challenges Faced by K-12 Students in the Age of AI

As K-12 students navigate the complexities of the digital age, they confront a range of ethical challenges arising from the integration of AI technologies. By promoting ethical awareness, critical thinking skills, and responsible use of AI, I plan to empower students to navigate these challenges with a sense of integrity and ethicality. This will enable students to harness the potential of AI while upholding ethical principles and values.

Nudging for Ethicality, Inclusivity, and Equity is NOT Manipulative

Nudging for Ethicality, Inclusivity, and Equity is NOT Manipulative

Nudging, when used ethically and with the aim of promoting ethicality, inclusivity, and equity, can be a powerful tool for effecting positive social change. By designing choice architectures that empower individuals to make informed and values-based decisions, we can create environments that foster ethical behavior, promote inclusivity, and advance equity in society. It’s time to embrace nudging as a force for good and harness its potential to build a better and more equitable world for all.

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